State Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development
About Company
The State Institute of Rural Development, Assam is the apex body in the broad field of training and research in rural development. The institute was registered under Societies registration Act 1860 during April’ 1998 and thereafter administrative and financial autonomy has been conferred by the government.
Aims and objectives of the training and other activities of the institute.
To conduct regular courses in the broad field of panchayati raj & rural development for the officials of the department, panchayats and the line departments.
To organize subject specific rounds of training programmes for the elected representatives of PRIs, VCDCs, VDCs and members of Autonomous Councils.
To organize training on different subjects for representatives of NGOs, CBOs, social workers, animators, facilitators and other stakeholders.
To conduct special courses on IT, e-panchayati raj and application of other softwares and tools.
To conduct computer literacy programmes for the elected representatives of PRIs.
To organize skill development training programmes for youth, farmers, weavers, artisans etc. for creating self employment avenues and also for livelihood promotion.
To organize awareness programmes in the field for participatory development.
To under take Research, action research and studies in the broad field of panchayati raj and rural development.
To implement special projects for providing self employment.