Majuli University of Culture
About Company
(i) The University plans to grow as a non-affiliating multidisciplinary higher educational institution with specialization in the studies and research in culture and cultural heritage of India with an objective of making it gradually a University of Category 1 as defined in the New Education Policy of India. Study and research in the multidimensional cultural life of the people of India, more particularly, those of Assam and the North East being its primary concern, the University envisions itself to grow finally as an institution of multidimensional education to enable it to embrace within its scope all disciplines including liberal arts and basic sciences pertaining to human cultures and civilization. The objective is to create a class of useful citizens who would be able to lead our society in the face of the twenty-first century multi-dimensional necessities. With both Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes and programmes of critical research in the field of humanities and social sciences, folklore, language and literature, music and dance, dramatic and theatre arts, applied, visual and fine arts, various forms of traditional and modern crafts and vocations, design and architecture, archaeology, ethnography and sculpture, Indian traditional systems of health cultures and knowledge systems, and any other forms of human knowledge, the University aims to provide education towards making India a first category knowledge-hub and a centre of attraction for all classes of knowledge-seekers from across the world.