Kokrajhar Govt College
About Company
Kokrajhar Govt. College (then Kokrajhar College) was established in 1959 at the heart of the town with a noble vision of bringing higher education to common people in general and the tribal people in particular. The Kokrajhar Govt. College played a vital role in imparting higher education to the socio-economically backward tribal people as well as other communities in the area.
Developing human resources is our Mission. Kokrajhar Govt. College has a noble vision of bringing about sustainable development in society through quality higher education. The College has always emphasized on value-based education. At present, the College offers honours in all the subjects in undergraduate courses viz. Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Economics, Education, English, Geography, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology. At present, there are nineteen departments in the College.