Dhubri Disctrict Judiciary
About Company
Originally the erstwhile Judgeship of Goalpara District including the present District of Dhubri, Goalpara, Kokrajhar and Bongaigaon with Head-Quarter of Dhubri was under the than District and Sessions Judge of Lower Assam District (L-A-D) with Head quarter at Guwahati till the end of 1966. At that time there was a court of sub-Judge at Dhubri.
In the early part of 1967, the Judgeship of Goalpara with Head-Quarter at Dhubri was established, at that time the District of Dhubri, Goalpara, Kokrajhar, and Bongaigaon were under the Judgeship of Goalpara at Dhubri.
In the year 1981-82 the District erstwhile Goalpara has politically and administratively divided into the separate District of Dhubri, Goalpara, Kokrajhar, and Bongaigaon. After division of the Districts all the District of Goalpara, Bongaigaon, and Kokrajhar were Judicially functioning under the Judgeship of Dhubri temporarily for a few years until this were bifurcated Judicially by the Govt. in the Judicial Department, Assam. At last in pursuance of the order of Govt. in the Judicial Department, Assam. The Judgeships of Kokrajhar and Goalpara were created in the last part of the year 1984 and first part of 1985 respectively.