Nehru College, Pailapool

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he College took its birth on the 28th of July, 1965, though the noble idea of establishing the College was first mooted in a meeting held on the 8th of June 1964, the day of shradh rituals of our first-ever Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It is by way of commemorating as well as paying homage to the great departed leader that the College was given its name after him.
The College is located in an area which is basically predominated by socio-economically backward classes as well as tea garden workers. It was established in order to cater to the need of higher education for the children of this locality and its neighbouring areas. The College aims more particularly to uplift these sections of people of the society by spreading quality education amongst them.
The founder Principal of the College, Sri Khitish Chandra Das, M.A. (Double), B.T., was an eminent educationalist and being a men in humanitarian mould and a truth Nehruvian in his persona, he came over to this remote corner of far-flung country side with the sole object of launching a crusade against the encircling gloom of ignorance and literacy.
The College was fortunate enough to have the unflinching support of the local people and leaders, tea-garden workers, business magnates and educated elite at the crucial moments of its nascent stage. In this respect, the name of Shri Sreenandan Dhuby deserves special mention. He donated 6 bighas of land where the College is standing at present as gift to the College when the affiliation of the College assumed a big question. Within a short spell of time, the College acquired more plots of land and now the college is the proud owner of 31 bighas of land from all these sources.